Many human resources experts, recruiters and Generation Z professionals are laser-focused on true career advancement opportunities and a positive work atmosphere that stimulates creativity. But for Generation Z employees, developing insights into the company’s individual brand is crucial.
It should also come as no surprise that Gen Z is more digitally aware than any other generation. They are, after all, digital natives who are completely happy utilizing the internet for work, research and social networking. This generation’s skill set is especially suited to this era of hybrid work, and it will only grow in value as technology transforms industries.
As companies continue to woo candidates in this competitive, post-pandemic hiring market, it’s important they understand the wants and needs of the workers they’re looking to engage. Here are 5 strategies for attracting and retaining members of this generation — those aged 23 and under — in the workplace.
1. Step into the Digital World and Stay Up to Date
Since the pandemic, the digital world has been one of the few ways people are able to connect. It is imperative to have an online presence as a company looking to reach out to Gen Z. If your company’s web presence isn’t up to par, Gen Zers may be turned off.
A clunky user interface and malfunctioning software can give prospects the impression that your company is out of touch and outdated. If your website is hard to navigate or not mobile-friendly, or your application process has a tendency to crash, it’s time to tune it up or risk losing candidates.
2. Make Job Applications Online Accessible
Job boards like LinkedIn make it easy for you to take your recruiting search to the internet. Gen Z is more likely than previous generations to conduct online research prior to applying for a job. To discover more about your brand, they’ll read online reviews on sites like Glassdoor and look at your social media and website. Gen Z workers will not trust your organization enough to apply for a job if your online presence is unreliable, non-existent or reflects adversely on your brand.
3.Get Familiar with Social Media Recruiting Styles
Social media recruiting is one of the most effective ways to entice new workers, showcase open positions and promote your company’s culture. Get your company familiar with how to reach out to potential candidates through these digital platforms. After all, as social media sites grow in popularity and consumers spend more time on them, it’s critical that your company establishes its presence.
4. Get In Touch With a Top-Notch, Modern Recruiting Firm
Find a firm that is in the know on the latest trends for the industry your company is in. Publishing your job posting with a reputable recruitment agency will attract a large number of candidates who will be looking for help as job seekers. This is still one of the most used techniques of finding a career. To shortlist and locate good potential candidates for your business, you can engage a temporary and direct hire employment agencies. You will want to find a firm that is tuned in with the needs and wants of Gen Z. This will ensure you find the right candidate for you!
5. Get Your Team on the Same Page
Match your company culture with the type of employees you are trying to attract. A few things are more essential to Generation Z members than a company’s commitment to social obligation on both socio-economic and environmental issues. Not only what your firm and its CEO have said, but also what they’ve done on these problems, is crucial. A happy employee says a lot about the state of the company, and Gen Zers are well aware of this. Another viable option for attracting them? Encourage employees to push for referrals. You may attract new talent by enlisting the help of other young employees to advocate for your company, but it must be genuine.
For more hiring insights and trends, download our 2021 Salary Guide.