5 Strategies to Attract Gen Z Talent

Many human resources experts, recruiters and Generation Z professionals are laser-focused on true career advancement opportunities and a positive work atmosphere that stimulates creativity. But for Generation Z employees, developing insights into the company’s individual brand is crucial.

It should also come as no surprise that Gen Z is more digitally aware than any other generation. They are, after all, digital natives who are completely happy utilizing the internet for work, research and social networking. This generation’s skill set is especially suited to this era of hybrid work, and it will only grow in value as technology transforms industries.

As companies continue to woo candidates in this competitive, post-pandemic hiring market, it’s important they understand the wants and needs of the workers they’re looking to engage. Here are 5 strategies for attracting and retaining members of this generation — those aged 23 and under — in the workplace.

1. Step into the Digital World and Stay Up to Date

Since the pandemic, the digital world has been one of the few ways people are able to connect. It is imperative to have an online presence as a company looking to reach out to Gen Z. If your company’s web presence isn’t up to par, Gen Zers may be turned off.

A clunky user interface and malfunctioning software can give prospects the impression that your company is out of touch and outdated. If your website is hard to navigate or not mobile-friendly, or your application process has a tendency to crash, it’s time to tune it up or risk losing candidates.

2. Make Job Applications Online Accessible

Job boards like LinkedIn make it easy for you to take your recruiting search to the internet. Gen Z is more likely than previous generations to conduct online research prior to applying for a job. To discover more about your brand, they’ll read online reviews on sites like Glassdoor and look at your social media and website. Gen Z workers will not trust your organization enough to apply for a job if your online presence is unreliable, non-existent or reflects adversely on your brand.

3.Get Familiar with Social Media Recruiting Styles

Social media recruiting is one of the most effective ways to entice new workers, showcase open positions and promote your company’s culture. Get your company familiar with how to reach out to potential candidates through these digital platforms. After all, as social media sites grow in popularity and consumers spend more time on them, it’s critical that your company establishes its presence.

4. Get In Touch With a Top-Notch, Modern Recruiting Firm

Find a firm that is in the know on the latest trends for the industry your company is in. Publishing your job posting with a reputable recruitment agency will attract a large number of candidates who will be looking for help as job seekers. This is still one of the most used techniques of finding a career. To shortlist and locate good potential candidates for your business, you can engage a temporary and direct hire employment agencies. You will want to find a firm that is tuned in with the needs and wants of Gen Z. This will ensure you find the right candidate for you!

5. Get Your Team on the Same Page

Match your company culture with the type of employees you are trying to attract. A few things are more essential to Generation Z members than a company’s commitment to social obligation on both socio-economic and environmental issues. Not only what your firm and its CEO have said, but also what they’ve done on these problems, is crucial. A happy employee says a lot about the state of the company, and Gen Zers are well aware of this. Another viable option for attracting them? Encourage employees to push for referrals. You may attract new talent by enlisting the help of other young employees to advocate for your company, but it must be genuine.

For more hiring insights and trends, download our 2021 Salary Guide.

Long-Lasting Ways to Improve Employee Well-Being in the Workplace

What is employee well-being and why does it matter?

The mental and physical health and wellness of employees is crucial for a thriving business. But many organizations fail to prioritize their employees’ well-being due to the common misconception that it’s too challenging to implement. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Plus, healthy and well-supported employees are more likely to perform better at work, produce higher quality products or services, have less absenteeism and create a positive environment for other workers.

Bottom line: If you want your company to thrive in today’s competitive climate, then you need to pay attention to employee wellness. Here are three solid ways you can improve employee well-being in your organization:

Foster a culture of wellness in the workplace

Setting work boundaries and ensuring employees can take breaks from work when needed is an easy, impactful way to help foster a culture of wellness in the workplace. As the amount of long-term remote employees continues to trend upwards, now, more than ever, the line between work and personal time continues to be blurred. Combatting this is a two step process: First, communicate with employees to determine what the set work hours are. Second, ensure these boundaries are respected amongst all employees.

Listen to employees

A recent survey found that 42% of employees are worried about job security since the start of the pandemic.

The first step in tackling this is to listen to how employees are feeling. Open-mindedness and incorporating employee concerns into the work day create an environment where morale can increase. As always, be mindful of the current circumstances employees are facing while you navigate performance reviews or evaluations.

Mitigate stressors in the workplace

One of the biggest inhibitors to employee well-being is stress. Wrike’s United States stress statistics from 2019 found that “around 94% of workers report feeling stress at work, and almost a third say their stress level is high to unsustainably high.”

Thankfully, there are ways managers can help promote awareness around it and reduce these work-related stressors.

1) Send out emails to increase awareness of the signs of stress.

2) Communicate with employees to identify the cause of stress and help think of solutions, when possible.

3) Promote stress-management activities such as meditation, yoga or webinars.

4) Send them this list of 5 ways to overcome stress at work.

Check out our blog for more employer insights and trends.

The Value of Virtual Employee Recognition (and 4 Ideas To Get Started)

As many companies are continuing to utilize remote work, now, more than ever, teams can be comprised of employees that live in different states, countries or continents. But whether face-to-face or behind a screen, employee recognition is key in order to create a strong, productive environment. Doing so boosts morale, helps promote feelings of investment in the workplace and leads to increased productivity.

Employers need to be mindful of virtual employee recognition and ensure employees feel valued especially when in-person communication is taken out of the equation. Here are a few ways you can thoughtfully recognize employees while working remotely:

Highlight Individual Achievements

A simple yet effective way of telling employees you recognize and appreciate their efforts is to highlight their individual accomplishments. Send out a monthly email spotlighting an employee who went above and beyond and encourage fellow employees to respond with their notes of gratitude.

*If you receive positive customer feedback, share that with the team, too!

Recognize the Team as a Whole

It takes a village. And sometimes, that village needs to feel appreciated. Schedule a virtual team lunch where employees can chat about non-work-related topics, or send reminders encouraging employees to recharge. Organizing a virtual team-building experience, such as wine tasting or team trivia, can also help your employees feel acknowledged and valued.

Be Intentional

In order to gauge employee appreciation, it’s important to be proactive. Simply put: communicate with your employees. Set up one-on-one meetings and ask employees individually if they feel appreciated and how you can help.

Be intentional when it comes to getting to know your employees better. Remember, in a virtual environment you’re missing out on chatting by the water cooler. Instead, periodically reach out to employees and ask them how their day is going or what they’ve been enjoying in their free time – questions like these go a long way in ensuring employees feel known.

Invest in Employee Development

Professional development is a must when it comes to showing employees you’re interested in their career journey. This demonstrates that you are focused on retaining that employee, and interested in helping them achieve their career goals. In addition to benefiting the employee, the employer reaps rewards as well. Reducing turnover, attracting talent and increasing engagement and productivity are all outcomes of professional development.

Learn more about why you should be investing in professional development.

3 Tactics to Win the War for Talent

There’s a consensus among employers: talent is hard to find. And that’s a battle that can bring down the most established of companies.

Alter your approach to meet the demands of the skilled professionals you’re looking to court. Century Group’s 2021 Salary Guide for Financial Professions found three trends that ranked highest among job seekers when considering a new position — factors employers must capitalize on to edge out competing offers. And most importantly, attract and retain talent in today’s tight labor market.


Upskilling and training employees is a resourceful option for employers who need to fill open positions. But it’s also an aspect of the modern workplace that professionals crave. According to Globoforce, 21% of professionals left their jobs because of a lack of career development opportunities — the leading reason for employee turnover in 2018.

Candidates are seeking more than a paycheck, gravitating toward roles that provide growth potential, mentorship and personal gratification. Creating a robust training program that expands and reinforces on concepts learned in new employee orientation is a successful tactic to both attract and retain talent. While some companies turn to outside experts to invest in their employees, such as encouraging them to attend relevant conferences or inviting speakers to engage with their team at the office. Employers should also map out clearly defined career paths as an added incentive for new hires.


Here’s the thing: candidates know their skills are in demand. Offering below market compensation and inadequate benefits just won’t cut it. In fact, innovative perks like flexible work schedules and paid meals are more aligned with what today’s employees want. Not sure how your company stacks up? Our 2021 Salary Guide features accurate salary ranges for 41 finance and accounting positions. Make sure you’re not losing strong candidates due to sub-par wages in your region.


In a traditional work environment, you spend most of your waking hours at your job. Why wouldn’t a strong company culture be a priority for candidates with options? This can encompass a few aspects of a business, including its mission, values and how its team members interact and support one another.

Think Google. Even if you’ve never stepped foot on its campus, Google’s reputation for curating a successful culture permeates the company’s entire operation. From free meals and onsite physicians to its creative office settings and mentor-like managers, these elements promote a positive environment for employees to thrive. Not all businesses can adopt measures at this scale, sure. But by creating a space that promotes open communication and focuses on the employee’s well-being is at the core of any strong company culture.

Want more insight into how to attract and retain top talent? Browse our blog for tips, trends and news impacting the finance and accounting community.

4 Reasons Top Companies are Outsourcing Their Accounting Needs

Hiring is hard. And as companies continue to adapt to this post-COVID-19 workplace environment, those challenges have only amplified. CEOs are tapping into staffing and recruiting firms to address these concerns head-on — investing in experienced experts to make smart, sound hiring decisions instead of handling talent searches internally.
Here are five reasons why companies are outsourcing their company’s accounting needs:

1. Speeds Up the Hiring Process

The waiting game isn’t enjoyable on either side of the table. For employers, it only prolongs an unfilled seat and unattended workload. And for candidates, “breadcrumb recruiting: can become tiresome — allowing talent to find or move forward with other career opportunities during the interview process. Outsourcing hiring needs to a staffing firm can help sidestep this issue by using its expertise to shorten this often lengthy process. Recruiters spend their careers nurturing a pipeline of skilled professionals, knowing exactly when a candidate is ready to make a move. Coupled with remote onboarding experience and an innate understanding of job responsibilities, recruiters can match you with the right professionals quickly and have hiring managers interviewing candidates within hours.

2. Access to Untapped Talent

The trouble with relying on job boards is managing the influx of submissions. Sure, some of the more advanced platforms offer a level of application screening, but you’re still only reaching candidates actively seeking new opportunities in the market. Your company can do better than that. Recruiters are constantly engaging with both passive and active candidates in a wide range of positions. In fact, specialized staffing agencies like Century Group work exclusively with accounting and finance professionals — helping to find and fill roles from accounting operations to C-suite level.

3. Flexible and Skilled Accounting Team

Companies are also embracing temporary or interim staff to handle their accounting needs. In the past year, 52% of businesses surveyed in a poll by PeopleReady say they’ve increased their use of temporary workers — indicating the pandemic has changed how they staff their workforce. Partnering with staffing firms can help connect your company with experienced professionals who are comfortable and capable of hitting the ground running in any role, whether it’s for a few days or several months.

4. Return on Your Investment

As the pendulum swings back to being a candidate-driven market, the war for talent has resumed. Investing in a staffing firm gives companies peace of mind that seasoned recruiters are working on their behalf — often engaging with talented candidates who are passive or not actively seeking new opportunities. Coupled with helping your team to screen and find the most qualified professionals, this partnership provides long-term value to your company’s goals.

Does your company have a temporary position or key project to complete? Learn more about our process and services.

Why Company Culture Matters

In a job interview, there are those requisite questions employers expect to hear from candidates. One of the most common: “How would you describe your company culture?”

But instead of breezing through the topic, companies need to understand how important their response is to prospective employees. It can mean the difference between an offer being accepted or declined — and even influence a business’ long-term success.

Our 2021 Salary Guide revealed accounting and finance professionals ranked company culture as one of the top reasons they choose a new role and stay with a company — proving the concept is much more than a buzzword. As the growing millennial labor force sets the tone for the workplace, it looks like we’re playing by their rules. Values matter. Finding purpose in a professional role matters. And locking down a position that embraces both of these principles? Yes, that definitely matters.

“Today, employees aren’t looking for the highest paying job or the best boss first,” says Century Group’s Talent Acquisition department. “They want to be at a place where flexibility, professional development and the culture of the company are aligned with their own personal interests.”

We break down company culture and its impact below:


With the internet’s relentless noise, a strong culture is essential to establishing a unique voice. “Job functions and responsibilities of a particular job are the same at all organizations,” the Talent Acquisition department explains. “But the one thing that sets it apart is the company culture.” Put simply: An organization’s culture also functions as its brand. It should successfully translate the company’s values and goals — giving applicants (and employees) a clear idea of who you are.


Everyone wants to feel like they belong. Add the incentive of contributing to a shared goal, and you have a solid foundation for a productive company culture. “It sets expectations for success, core values and minimizes failure.”


The word is out. With online platforms like Yelp, Glassdoor and Trip Advisor, people can easily share their experiences with the world with a single tap of a smartphone. More importantly: the world listens. Job seekers regularly utilize these type of sites to gauge a company’s reputation — attracting (or detracting) talented professionals at a moment’s glance. Organizations should make their values a transparent priority to help draw other employees who believe in those values, too, Century Group says. And, will hopefully keep them there long-term. “When a company culture is the priority of a company, employees see that and know that they are important and valued.”

Download Century Group’s 2021 Salary Guide for additional industry evaluations and key insights relevant to today’s financial professionals. Looking for top talent to transform your team? Contact our recruiters today.

4 Things to Consider When Hiring an Accounting Manager

The best companies understand that their most valuable asset is their people. That even as the job market fluctuates, a top-notch team can provide the stability needed for a business to succeed.

And developing a hiring strategy that supports this goal is more important than ever in 2021. Accounting Managers — like other supervisory roles — are integral to the efficient operation of the company’s accounting team. From monitoring and analyzing accounting data to enforcing proper protocols, finding the right professional goes beyond job duties. We highlight four critical things to consider when hiring an Accounting Manager to lead your team.

1. Go Beyond the Job Description

Listing the position’s responsibilities and requirements is pretty standard for most job postings. To attract the best accounting professionals, however, the advertisement needs to sizzle. Exaggerating or painting a false narrative of the role is never a good idea, but creating a sense of excitement around the opportunity will help your job stand out. Be sure to focus on the role’s must-have requirements, while also giving insight into the key intangibles you believe an ideal candidate will possess.

2. Focus on Relevant Experience and Credentials

At a base level, successful Accounting Managers are equipped with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance or a closely related field. But those who went on to pursue an MBA typically exhibit a stronger grasp of leadership and management skills that are necessary for this type of role. Specialized certifications — including Certified Public Accounting (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership (QIAL) — are also great indicators of professionals who further developed their expertise in the area.

Still, we’d caution employers to look beyond educational backgrounds when vetting someone to lead your company’s accounting team. Professionals with two to five years of Accounting Manager experience are likely to have a strong understanding of the varied job responsibilities in a real-world setting — allowing them to hit the ground running.

3. Be Flexible.

When looking for the right fit, that lengthy list of preferred skills and credentials all seem critical. The hunt for the “perfect” candidate, however, may deter your company from actually hiring the talent you need.

Be realistic about the responsibilities that makeup the majority of the role, and flexible on the nice-to-haves that can be learned on the job. Accounting professionals that exhibit success in those key areas may bring other experience that would better benefit the company – don’t miss out on considering them.

4. Partner with Hiring Experts.

Most companies can only devote a small part of its time to candidate searches — it has regular operations to run, after all. But for staffing and recruitment firms, developing a strong, health candidate pool is its bread and butter.

Recruitment firms save businesses cost and uncertainty while optimizing your search’s reach. Unlike internal acquisition teams who work on a reactive basis, recruiters are constantly nurturing long-term relationships with skilled professionals. That way, when a company has an urgent need, recruiters can quickly match the right candidate to the right opportunity without you having to miss a step.

Do you have a hiring need? Contact our team today.

Are You Taking Too Long to Hire?

Hiring is a fickle process. For one, companies must consider many factors when filling a position — expectations for the role, core skills required and culture fit to list a few. And finding a candidate that meets all of these requirements, understandably, takes time.  A new employee is a serious investment you want to feel confident in.

But taking too long to hire can actually cost you top talent. Today, companies’ hiring process spans an average of 23.8 days — 13 days more than the time it takes for a candidate to go off the market. They have options and your competitors know it. Still not convinced expediting your hiring process is important? Check out these key benefits that prove you can land quality employees fast without sacrificing your company’s values and goals.

Improve on Your Current Hiring Strategy

Reviewing your company’s current hiring process is a great opportunity to see where you can make improvements. Evaluate the core steps you employ to find and hire a new employee: the job description, type of search, interview process, job offer and onboarding period. Is your goal focused and clear? Where can you be more efficient? And most importantly, what’s the candidate experience like? An easy, speedier process reflects better on your company and attracts quality talent.

Save Your Company Money and Resources

The cost of hiring varies across businesses, but common expenses include external and/or internal hiring teams, job board fees, time spent recruiting candidates and overall cost of the unfilled role. Accelerating your hiring process minimizes the impact of these areas — allowing your company’s people to focus on what they do best.

Higher Acceptance Rates

Shorter hiring processes encourage two things: accessing and landing in-demand candidates. Decisive companies limit the interview process, allowing them to lock-in skilled professionals before they lose interest and find another opportunity. A faster time frame also curbs competing offers or counter offers from previous employers.

Are you looking to fill an open position quickly? Don’t risk taking too long to hire by contacting our team today.

Everything You Need To Know About Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act

As we prepare to usher in 2021, Colorado employers should add the state’s “Equal Pay for Equal Work Act” to its list of things to consider.

Effective Jan. 1, the new law protects against pay discrimination on the basis of sex (or sex in combination with another protected status). It also forbids an employer from seeking the salary history of employees — preventing them from using that information to determine a wage rate for a position — and requires an employer to disclose certain compensation and promotion information.

Century Group General Counsel, Fawn Wright, breaks down the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act and highlights several areas for both clients and candidates to keep in mind.

Key Takeaways

  • Any employer (public or private) who employ at least one employee in Colorado must comply.
  • Employers are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of sex (or sex in combination with another protected status) by paying employees of different sexes different amounts for substantially similar work, regardless of job title, based on skill, effort and responsibility.
    • Other protected statuses in the workplace include race, creed, color, ancestry, disability, sex, religion, familial status, marital status, sexual orientation, age, citizenship status, genetic information and national origin.
  • Wage differentials may be permitted based on:
    • A seniority system;
    • A merit system;
    • A system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production;
    • The geographic location where the work is performed;
    • Education, training or experience reasonably related to the work; or
    • Travel, if travel is a regular and necessary condition to the work.
  • Employers must not seek salary history from a prospective employee, retaliate against a prospective employee who does not provide salary history, rely on salary history to determine the prospective employee’s wage, or prohibit employees from comparing or otherwise discussing their respective wage rates.
  • For all job openings that could be performed by a Colorado candidate or employee (including promotions), employers must provide the pay range of the position and a general description of any bonuses, commissions, or other compensation, as well as of any employment benefits.
  • With limited exceptions, employers must announce all promotional opportunities to all current employees (except those entirely outside of Colorado) on the same calendar day and prior to making any decisions on the promotion.
  • Employers must preserve records of each employee’s job description and wage rate history through their tenure at the company — plus an additional two years.

Best Practices

  • Review your hiring practices to avoid asking salary history questions.
  • When discussing salary with a candidate, develop a script clearly explaining that you are not asking for their salary history or what her or she is currently making, but are simply asking for their expectations.
  • If the candidate — without any prompting — voluntarily discloses his or her salary, be sure to document in writing the circumstances of the disclosure.
  • If the candidate discloses his or her salary information and it benefits them, you should also document in writing you received authorization from the candidate to disclose this information to the employer.

Are you a client or candidate seeking assistance with your search? Contact us today.

5 Ways to Develop Your Ability to Adapt – and How to Interview for It

There’s no question which trait is most in-demand by employers in wake of COVID-19: adaptability. As companies and, more specifically, professionals, have had to make adjustments to where and how they work, this characteristic has been essential to continuing to do what we do.

Do you find it challenging to acclimate to new or sudden change? Are you looking to hire new employees that exhibit a willingness to embrace the unexpected? Here are a few ways to develop your ability to adapt — and identify the individuals who have proven that they can.

Developing Your Adaptability

1. Learn to Play Devil’s Advocate

It’s easy to hear a good idea and latch on immediately — quickly moving to the next steps in the development process. Instead, try to take on the role of thoughtful skeptic. Providing different viewpoints — even if you don’t completely agree or support them — can lead to new solutions that may prove more exciting and innovative than the original.

2. Change How You Respond

We often let negative feedback cloud our judgement. But accepting the bad with a little positive resolve can make all the difference. Most importantly: be willing to make mistakes. Write down various ways to solve or navigate around the issue and test, test, test. The simple act of jotting down ideas can be the key to unlocking your creativity, and furthermore, your ability to adapt.

3. Try to Fix a Problematic Process

Strengthen your adaptability muscle with some experimentation. For those who are uncomfortable with trial and error, identify a process or issue that could use improvement. Find something that isn’t urgent or too high-stakes, so you feel more freedom to play and less to perform.

Interviewing for Adaptability

1. Ask “What If” Questions

It’s undeniable: businesses face a lot of change. So, hiring managers should interview for candidates that are not only accepting of this fact, but welcome it. One tactic to identifying adaptability early on is to pose “what if” scenarios in the interview process. Hearing how they would approach the situation and how clear their vision is can give you some insight into how they handle change.

2. Look for an Exploratory Attitude

Gauge the professional’s aptitude for stepping outside of their comfort zone. Do they stick to their favorite restaurant? Or are they on the hunt for a new favorite restaurant every week? Those who are open to exploration in their personal lives tend to extend that to the workplace — helping to keep your company at the forefront of emerging technologies and methodologies.

Do you have any hiring needs or are looking for a new career opportunity? Contact our team today!